The Nazi Conspiracy

The secret societies and their power

would like at this point of my story, you present a summary of the messages that were received during the years by the telepaths and the Vril Society which were the basis of actions undertaken by the latter.

The solar system Aldebaran is a 68 light years from Earth and two inhabited planets that form the kingdom of "SUMERAN" turn around its sun. The inhabitants of this solar system, would be subdivided into a nation of masters, men white-Dieu (Aryans) and several other human races. These would have developed because of climate change on remote planets and are the result of degeneration of these "God-men". These mutants have had a spiritual development below the "God-men". More races mingled over their deteriorating spiritual development. Therefore, when the sun Aldebaran began to grow, they could no longer make interplanetary travel as their ancestors, they became unable to leave their planets. Thus the lower races, totally dependent on the master race, were evacuated in spacecraft and taken to other planets habiables. Despite these differences, the implementation of respectétait between these two races, they did not encroach on living space of another. Each race respected the development of the other (contrary to what happens in the land).

The master race, the "white men-God", have begun to colonize other planets like Earth there are some 500 million years, following the expansion of the sun Aldebaran and the increasing heat, which The result, which made the planets uninhabitable. They say they have settled in our solar system first planet Mallona (also called Maldek, Marduk or Phaeton among Russians) that would have existed at the time, between Mars and Jupiter, where are asteroids today. This was, after the turn of Mars with pyramids and cities face Martian well known, photographed in 1976 by the Viking spacecraft, shows a high level of development of its inhabitants. Hence the assumption that men of God Sumeran-Aldebaran came at that time for the first time on Earth. Old remains of a fossilized shoe back about 500 million years have shown, and a fossilized trilobite stamped with the heel of the shoe. This primitive crab was then living on Earth became extinct about 400 million years.

Members of the Vril Society believed that Aldébariens landed later, when Earth became slowly habitable in Mesopotamia and they formed the dominant caste of the Sumerians. They called these Aldébariens "white men-God". In addition, téléphates of Vril received the following information: the language of the Sumerians were not only identical to that of Aldébariens, but she also sounds like the German and the frequency of these two languages were nearly identical.

This correspond to reality? Simply put the construction plans and technical information received by the telepaths - wherever they come from - were so accurate that came the most fantastic idea ever conceived by man: the construction of machines to the 'beyond'!

The concept of 'other science' ripens in the minds (we employ in our day, the term "alternative forms of energy"). It took three years for the project is implemented. In this first phase of an "other technical" or "other science," Dr. W. O. Schumann, memnre of Thule and Vril Societies, made a presentation to the Faculty of Sciences in Munich. Here's an excerpt:

"In all areas, there are two principles that determine events: light and darkness, good and evil, creation and destruction, as the most el the least electricity. It is always: one way one way or another!

These last two principles - specifically designate them as the creative principles and destructive - also determine our technical means. (...)

The destructive principle which is the work of the devil, the creative principle of God's work. (...) A technique based on the principle of explosion or combustion can be cataloged technique satanic. The new era that will come the era of a new technique, positive and divine! (...) (From the secret archives of the SS).

At the same time, scientist Viktor Schauberger worked on a similar project. He endorsed the teaching of Johannes Kepler, who was in possession of the secret doctrine of the Pythagoreans, held back and hidden by the Templars. This concerned the about the "implosion" (in this case, this means using the potential of inner worlds in the outer world). Hitler and other members of the Thule and Vril Societies knew that the divine principle is always creative, ie d. constructive. A technology which, by cons, based on the explosion is, thus, destructive, as opposed to divine principle. We would then create a technology based on implosion. The doctrine of the oscillation of Schauberger (the principle of harmonic series = monotone) share knowledge on the implosion. Say simply: Implosion instead of EXPLOSION! Using the trajectories of the energy of monotone and art of implosion, it entered the realm of antimatter and is dissolved, and the gravity.

The first ship-shaped saucer was built in summer 1922, launching it was based on the technique of implosion (the machine to the afterlife). It included a disc diameter of 8m, stilted a parallel disk of 6.5 m in diameter and flanked below another disc diameter of 6m. These three discs have their center in an orifice diameter of 1.80m which is mounted the propeller of 2.40m high. Below, the central body ended in fome cone. In this cone was a kind of pendulum that had a stabilizing effect on the device. The lower and upper disk turned in the opposite direction to create a rotating electromagnetic field.

We do not know the performance of the first hard drive. He was tried for two years before being dismantled and stored in workshops Messerschmitt in Augsburg. We find aid funding for this project in the accounts of several industrial companies listed under the code "JFM". It is certain that the mechanism Vril is from the "machine to the au-del ~ t" but it was listed as "Schumann SM levitate.

In principle, the machine to the afterlife should generate an extremely strong field around it and in its immediate vicinity, which made the entire surrounding area, including that of the machine and the occupants, a microcosm quite independent of our cosmos. At its maximum power, this field is totally independent of all influences and forces of our universe such as gravity, electromagnetism, radiation or any topic. He could move at will in all gravitational fields without being detected or that there will feel the acceleration forces.

In June I934, Victor Schauberger was invited by Hitler and the greatest representatives of the Vril and Thule societies and worked, now in collaboration with them.

The first UFO German was born in June 1934. Under the direction of Dr. W. 0. Schumann was born the first plane circular experimental field of the aircraft factory Arado in Brandenburg: it was the RFZ-1. On his first flight was also the last, it rose vertically from a height of about 60m but then began to spin and dance in the air for several minutes. The tail Arado 196 which should guide the device proved completely ineffective. It is with great difficulty that the pilot Lothar Waiz managed to raise the ground to escape and ran away as the plane began to spin like a top before derailing and be completely torn to pieces. It was the end of RFZ-1, but the early flying machines PRIL.

The RFZ-2 was completed before the end of 1934, he had a Vril drive and a "magnetic impulse steering. Its diameter was 5m and its characteristics were: the contours of the camera faded when he picked up speed, and he lit in different colors, which is characteristic of UFOs. According to the propulsive force, it became red, orange, yellow, green, white, blue or purple.


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THE SECRETS betrayed

"Nothing that affects the policy is not by chance! Be sure that what happens in politics was actually programmed!"

F. D. Roosevelt

Do you really know what is happening on our planet?

Many authors have argued that only the powerful people of our world exert absolute control over all world events. I will confront this assertion, here I'll show the tangle of boxes and the occult with high finance and politics. I will spare you, however, to having the blame, as is so often the case, the Masons, Zionists, or Satan. I'll get straight to the heart of the problem, put it bluntly, like people my age who are not afraid to confront the criminal system based on control, power and handling. This site is not only the result of years of research and compilation of readings, it is also substantiated reports of former secret agents from different countries. I will tell you that we hide the existence of a technology that could soon leave the humanity of the pitiful state - and wanted - where they are. A new way of looking at the world we live in! I just want to encourage you to move forward!



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You should know that all matter, from the microcosm to macrocosm, is maintained unchanged through electromagnetic forces.

If it finds a way to intervene in the action of the electromagnetic forces and change can be part of an act on the matter and the other on time. There are two ways to do this: with or without machines. These antigravity flying discs commonly called UFOs and can operate independently of our Earth's magnetic field through the magnetic field they generate (antigravity) and modules spacetime. Other machines that plug into these electromagnetic fields and can turn them into usable energy are known as "free energy machines" (eg. Tachyons converters, engines, space-quanta).

Men who can change the material by rotating aware of their own magnetic field or "Merkabah" are known as "avatars" (best known in the Western world was Yeshua ben Joseph = Jesus, who was a master among them). They can be created directly from the ether (materialization), transforming the material, eg. changing water into wine, or lead into gold (alchemy) to cancel gravity to glide or walk on water (levitation), to move without losing time from one country to another (teleportation), to heal spontaneously by changing the cellular structure, etc ...

I was privileged to receive a spiritual education, so I have already early, set a specific goal in my unconscious, living in agreement with the cosmic laws and develop my vision. And under the law of resonance, I started to attract me to people who had the same vision as me.


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Another secret influential organization with zeal vied for control over England. The rich Jewish rabbis who were the political and religious leaders of the Jewish people destroyed their united strength in a group known as the "Elders of Zion" (the Zionists consider themselves the elite "messianic" Judaism and expect that all Jews of the world are united in their goals. Book Manfred Adler "Die Söhne der Finsternis", 2 Teil (... The son of darkness, part 2).

From 1640 to 1689, the "Elders of Zion" projetèrent the "English Revolution" in Holland (the fall of the Stuarts to the British throne) and lent money to various small parties. They used their influence to William II, German duke of Orange-Nassau dynasty, becoming the stadtholder army Holland and, later, they made him PRINCE WILLIAM OF ORANGE (11).

They arranged a meeting between him and Mary, the eldest daughter of DUKE OF YORK and sister of King Charles II of England. The brother of one successor, Jacob II, was also present. William II married Mary and they had one son, Guillame III who married later with Maria II, the daughter of Jacob II. The Royal Houses hollandaise and British were therefore related. The Whig party composed of English and Scottish influence, helped them to remove the Stuarts to the throne in 1688, and William III of Orange was appointed king of England in 1689.

William III, we ditavoir was a Freemason, founded the same year, "the Orange Order" which was opposed to Catholicism and sought to consolidate Protestantism in England. This order still exists, it is best represented in Ireland, where he enivrons 100,000 members and where he violently stirs war of religions (12).

King William III quickly enlisted England in costly wars against Catholic France, which caused heavy debts to England. Then
was William's revenge against the Elders of Zion: he persuaded the British Treasury, with the help of money from William Paterson, to borrow 1.25 million British pounds to Jewish bankers who had put in that position. The national debt grew rapidly, there remained the government no choice but to acquiesce to the conditions required.

The loan conditions were as follows:

1. names of lenders remained secret, they had relied on to establish a "Bank of England" (central bank) 2. were guaranteed that bank managers to determine the extent of gold relative to paper money;
4. they were allowed to consolidate the national debt and ensuring the amount by direct taxation on the people.

Thus was built the first central bank private, the "BANK OF ENGLAND.

Such transactions have enabled the bank to make a profit of 50% by investing 5%. And it was the English people to pay. The lenders did not that the loans are repaid, because the debt allowed them to influence the conduct of policy. The national debt of England increase of 1,250,000 pounds in 1694 to 16,000,000 pounds in 1698 (13).

After William III, the Hanoverian dynasty took over the British royal family, which is the case today since WINDSOR lineal descendants of the royal house of Hanover (Until 1901, all monarchs were from the Hanoverian dynasty, but when Edward VII married the Danish Princess Alexandra, the name of Hanover was replaced by "Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, German name of the father of Edward. He was again changed to" Windsor "July 17, 1917 It is still unchanged). It is understandable that many English people do not rejoice in German sovereignty, many organizations were formed to bring back the Stuarts on the throne. Because of this danger, the Hanover dynasty would not allow a standing army in England, they recruited the troops necessary in their principality and one of their German friends. They were paid, of course, by the British Treasury, which benefited the Jewish bankers. Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau who was also a friend of the Hanover dynasty put at their disposal the most mercenary (14).


Freemasonry IN ENGLAND

In 1567, the Freemasons English divided into two cells, that of "YORK" and of "LONDON". However, the time the largest in the history of the Freemasons was the beginning of the 17th century when the craft guild character turned into a corporation's secret mystical and occult. The boxes now accepted "non-masons", which had the consequence that, by 1700, almost 70% of Freemasons came from other professions.

On 24 June 1717, representatives of four British lodges met in London, they founded the English Grand Lodge, also called "WORLD OF MOTHER LODGE.

The new degree system of initiation had three degrees, that of apprentice, journeyman and master is also called grade "BLUE".

The grand lodge was that either the Hanoverian dynasty that continues to occupy the tro, e English, conferred in 1737, the first two grades to Frederick of Hanover, Prince of Wales. Many members of generations of the royal family of Hanover have even held the title of Grandmaster (This was the case with Frederick Augustus, for King George IV, King Edward VII and King George VI).

Cepcndant they had desennemis. After the fall of Jacob II in 1688, supporters of the Stuarts created different movements, including that of JACOBINS militants to restore the Stuarts to the throne.

To support his son Jacob III, a new branch of Freemasonry was created, "TEMPLAR LODGE OF SCOTS" (founded in 1725 by Michael Ramsey) who agreed with his former in TEMPLARS. This lodge was established grades more important than the mother lodge in London in order to remove members of the latter.

Read in 1736 created the "GREAT SCOTTISH LODGE" which relegated, also has background in corporate aspect to focus on the mystical. In the Scottish lodges, there were often Freemasonry Templar and later introduced it to the same degree of Templar.

As we see, we are dealing with two systems of freemasons who opposed those of the Hanoverian dynasty in MOTHER LODGE OF LONDON and those of the Stuarts in the SCOTTISH TEMPLARS. Who could be the third stranger who would benefit from what is born a Conflict?

Did not find it among the "Illuminati" (15)?


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Many mysteries surround the center of trade secret international banking: the House of Rothschild.

In 1750, Mayer Amschel Bauer bought the bank from his father in Frankfurt and exchanged his name to Rothschild (from the red sign - literal translation of Rothschild - who was hung at the entrance of the bank and representing the sign of Jewish revolutionaries and winners in Eastern Europe).

Mayer married. He had five boys and five girls. The names of his son were Amschel, Salomon, Nathan, Kalmann (Karl) and Jacob (James). His rise accelerated when he won the favor of Prince William IX of Hanau-HESSSE. He took part in his presence at meetings of Freemasons in Germany. The Prince William, a friend of the Hanoverian dynasty, had considerable financial income by renting its Hessian mercenaries in the English King (Hanover). These were the same troops who fought later against the army of George Washington in the "Valley Forge", Rothschild became William's personal banker (16).

When Prince William had to flee to Denmark because of political unrest, he deposited in the bank Rothschild pay mercenaries, amounting to 600,000 pounds. NATHAN ROTHSCHILD (the eldest son of Mayer Amschel) took with him the money to London through which he could also open a bank. The gold was used as collateral came from the East India Company. Nathan earned a profit of 400% in lending money to the Duke of Wellington who was financing its military operations and selling and also later illegally gold that was used as collateral.

These transactions were the source of enormous wealth of the Rothschild family, Then began the international banking: each son opening a bank in a different country, Anischel in Berlin, Salomon in Vienna, Paris and Jacob Kalmann in Naples.

Solomon Rothschild was a member of the Freemasons.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild wrote his will in which he showed how the family fortune should be managed in the future. The property would be administered by men and this would be the eldest would have the power to decide and adjudicate in cases of disagreement. All required account must remain absolutely secret, especially for government (17).

In l773, Mayer Amschel Rothschild had met secretly in the house of Rothschild, Jewish street in Frankfurt, twelve donors wealthy and influential Jews (in fact the Elders of Zion) to make the study a project that would control all the wealth World.

According to Herbert G. Dorsey, these donors have stressed, inter alia, that the foundation of the "BANK OF ENGLAND" was allowed to exercise considerable influence on the British capital. They declared that it would be necessary that the bank has complete control alin they create the foundation that would control the world's wealth. They retained the outline in writing.

According to the document Dorsey and William Guy Carr's "Pawns in the Game", the plan was ultimately known as the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion". The origin of the Protocols began, in fact, centuries back, they have been reworked by ROTHSCHILD before acquiring their true meaning. These protocols were kept secret until 1901, when they fell into the hands of Professor S. Nilus Russian. The latter published them as the "Jewish danger." Victor Marsden translated them into English in 1921 under the title "PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION" ( "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion").

Of the 24 protocols I summarize two. The translation of English away, perhaps a little of the original but the content remains accurate. The complete collection of protocols presents the state of our world (18).


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1. The control of money

(...) "The control of nations will be ensured by the creation of gigantic poles are private repositories of vast wealth which depend even Goiim (non-Jews). (...)

(...) So the day after the collapse polifique see their annihilation in the same time as the credit granted to states. (...)

(...) The economic crisis will affect the enemy states by depriving them of money in circulation. By accumulating large private capital and which are exempt from the state, the latter will be obliged to speak to us to borrow these funds. These loans made with interest will be a burden on those States which become slaves without free will. They address our bankers to ask for alms instead of demanding taxes from the people. Foreign loans are leeches which there is no possibility of removing the bodies of state because they can only detach themselves or be rejected by the state. However, States Goiim do not reject, they do not always attract others, which will lead inexorably to bankruptcy.

The debts of the state will statesmen corruptible, which will put even more to our thank you. "(...) (19)

Note on the current situation:
The debts of the State, the Länder and municipalities in Germany in 1992 amounted overall to 1,300 billion German Marks.

2. The control of the press

(...) "We will proceed as follows with the press:

Its role is to excite and inflame passions among the people (...) and the public is so far from imagining that is the biggest beneficiary of the press (...) Of all the newspapers, there will also attack us but we are the founders of these journals, their attacks will focus exclusively on issues that we have identified them earlier. (...)

(...) Nothing new will be published without our agreement. This is already happening now, because all the news of the world are clustered in only a few agencies. These agencies are under our control, they only publish what we approved. (...)

(...) Our newspapers are all trends, aristocratic socialist, republican, or even anarchist, as du'existera the Constitution. (...)

(...) These idiots who believe that the text of a journal reflects their own view that will, in fact, that repeating our opinion or that we wish to see expressed. (...)" (20)

Note on the current situation:
Almost all news agencies in the world are already controlers by the "trilateral commission" and "CFR", both closely related (I explain later what these organizations).

3. The extension of authority

(...) "We look to the public the friend of all. (...) We will support them all, anarchists, communists, fascists and especially the workers. We will win their confidence and they become so, for us a very appropriate. (...)" (21)

4. Control of Faith

(...) We will remove men their true faith. We will amend or delete the principles of spiritual laws. (...) The absence of these laws weaken the faith of Hommus because religions are no longer able to give any explanation. (...)

(...) We will fill these spiritual laws by introducing a materialistic thinking and mathematical computations. (...)" (22)

5. The way to bring confusion in the minds

(...) "To have a stranglehold on public opinion, we must bring them to a certain level of confusion. (...)

(...) The press will be a good tool to offer people so many different opinions they will lose sight globule and wandered in the maze of information. (...)

(...) And they will come to the conclusion that the best is not an opinion (politics). (...)" (23)

6. The aspiration for luxury

(...) To accelerate the downfall of the industry Goiim (non-Jews), we will bring with them a thirst for luxury. The average person will not, however, not enjoyment, because we will ensure that prices are still rising. Thus, workers must work as before to satisfy their desires. (...)

(...) They are trapped in the system before they could identify.

7. The policy used as an instrument

(...) In distilling a breath of liberalism in the state agencies, we will change all their political aspect. (...)

(...) A Constitution is nothing but a big school of discords, misunderstandings, quarrels, in short, a school of everything that serves to distort the workings of the state. (...)

(...) In the "era of republics" we will replace the leaders with a caricature of government with a president elected by our puppets, our slaves are the people. (...)

(...) The elections will be for us a way to access the throne of the world while pretending to humble citizen that contributes to shaping the state by participating in meetings and through membership in associations . (...)

(...) At the same time, we will reduce to nothing the impact of the family and its educational power. We also will prevent the emergence of independent persons. (...)

(...) Just leave a people to govern itself for some time (democracy) so that it becomes a mob of chaos.

(...) The power of the populace is a blind force, absurd, irrational, tossing constantly right or left, but the blind can not lead another without falling into the precipice. Only those who, from birth, was educated to become a sovereign independent understanding of the policy. (...)

(...) Our success in dealing with men we need, will be facilitated by the way we always reach the most sensitive side of human nature, ie greed, passion and unquenchable thirst of human goods and materials. (...)" (25)

8. The control of food

(...) Our strength also lies in the continuing-shortage of food. The right of the capital, starving workers, allows them a more secure grip that could do the nobility with his king. (...)

(...) We will act on the masses by the lack, envy and hatred that result. (...)

(...) But every rural landowner may be a danger to us because it can live in isolation. That is why we must at all costs deprived of
his land. The surest way to achieve this is to increase to property taxes, (...) of your debt overwhelm rural properties (...)" (26)

9. The role of war

(...) "We will all rival forces to bring those who thirst for power abuse their power. We need to foment divisiveness, hostility, across Europe and through the europe in other parts of the Earth. (...)

(...) We must be capable of annihilating all opposition in provoking wars with neighboring countries. If these neighbors or dare we stand up, we must answer them by a world war. (...)" (27)

10. Control through education

(...) We n'ioncitera not Goiim appiicalion to make a practice of their impartial observation of history but we invite them to theoretical considerations, without making critical relationships with the events that follow. (...)

(...) In this game, know that the main thing is to be convinced to accept the needs of science. (...)

(...) Taking into account this fact, we will always continue to create a blind confidence in these theories (scientific) journals and we will help much. The
intellectuals among Goiim will boast of their knowledge. (...)

(...) The people will lose more and more accustomed to thinking for itself and form its own opinion, he will pronounce the words we want to hear speak. (28)

Quote from William Cooper: "They just tell you, what they want you to know!" (They do not say what they want you to know!) (29)

11. Control of Masonic lodges

(...) "We will create in all countries of the earth lodges of Freemasonry, we multiply and attract persons who leave the ranks. (...)

(...) We will put all those boxes under the domination of our headquarters and we will Seufer to know and that others completely ignore.

(...) Who or what that can defeat an invisible power? That's where our power. Freemasonry is not Jewish we cover without their knowledge. But the action plan of our power is left for all the people and even the remains of a secret brotherhood. (...)" (30)

12. Death

(...) "Death is the inevitable end for all, therefore it is best to lead those who will hinder us." (31)

Having developed this project for world domination (the "New World Order" = "Novus Ordo Seclorum"), the Rothschild bank would charge the Bavarian Jew Adam Weishaupt to found the "SECRET ORDER OF Illuminati of Bavaria. (32)

Author's Note:

There are many positive and negative messages on the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion". It is forbidden to reproduce or sell them in Germany where there is apparently freedom of press and opinion. This is also probably the fact that Hitler used the Protocols to justify his "dislike for Jews," as Rous look more closely later. As for me, the author of this book, I am indifferent whether they are the Rothschilds and the Zionists who use protocols nowadays. However, this is how the principle is applied. We have a plan in front that shows what it takes to reduce our world to slavery. You just know that this plan is implemented NOW. At the end of my book, I will with great detail that no matter who uses these protocols. It is, cons, essential to know the motive principle and know that those who allow themselves to be USED!

Another way to achieve this goal is to share the Earth by creating an eastern society of slaves and the West a master race. As described by Rudolf Steiner in his book "Die soziale Grundforderung unserer Zeit" (The social imperative of our times), this happens because unable to establish a synthesis between faith in Eastern and science in the West. The result is as follows: scientists atheists have no desire to look into the religions of the East as well as believers of the East reject science in the West.


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Germany became the 18th SICELE the center of Freemasonry Templar (it had almost nothing in common with the original own ideology to the Templars). The ranks of knights were included in the Masonic system called "STRICTLY COMPLIANCE. This meant that the initiates had to swear absolute obedience to their superiors. The leader referred to as the "unknown superior" saddled with the title "Knight of the red plume, was faithful to" GRADES SCOTCH "and thereby to Stuar.

About a decade after the initiation of Frederick the Great, the "Strict Observance" and "Scottish degrees" were echoed by the almost total majority of Freemasons in Germany.

Frederick drew huge profits which the "Scottish Freemasonry" had contributed to England. His goal was the military expansion of Prussia, which led him to support the Jacobins against the Hanoverian dynasty, he renewed support later in the great invasion in 1745 in England. Then he made a new alliance with England, and taking advantage of the difficulties which it was, he praised German soldiers (Apparently he also had read Niccolo Machiavelli!).

This was one of the "most beautiful" Truanderie history of Europe: a small group of German dukes overthrew the English throne to put the Hanoverian dynasty. This group usa then its influence to deplete the public treasury in English involving England in wars and he praised German mercenaries. This debt came in time to the Jewish bankers and facilitated the seizure of the Illuminati to the world. (33)


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Adam Weishaupt was educated in a Jesuit college and finally get the title of professor of canon. Over the years, the concepts of Catholicism ended up not suit him at all. This led him to become a student staff of the Jewish philosopher Mendelsohn who converted to Gnosticism.

In 1770, Weishaupt had probably been contacted by donors of MAION Rothschild, who had met just prior to that he founded in Ingolstadt "the SECRET ORDER OF Illuminati of Bavaria. (33 A)

Brief explanation:
Do not confuse the Bavarian Illuminati of Weishaupt with the group of persons nominated "ILLUMINATI" we discussed earlier. The true Illuminati had infiltrated the "BROTHERHOOD OF THE SERPENT" in Mesopotamia, as I already mentioned. They were never named and never appeared personally in public. I use the term Illuminati in this book because it is used by insiders to describe this group of people acting behind the scenes. Adam Weishaupt used, however, the name Illuminati to designate the order in which goals were similar to those of the Illuminati themselves, already existed (perhaps for that designation of the Illuminati to create confusion among the public those who seek to know more?). To prevent confusion, I will refer to the group of Weishaupt under the name "Illuminati of Bavaria" and the other under the name "Illuminati."

The "Bavarian Illuminati" émient organized in circles overlap each other (like Russian dolls). From an insider proved his ability to keep a secret he was admitted to a smaller circle and connected to even deeper secrets. Only those who were in the smallest circle know the real goals of the "Bavarian Illuminati". They said members of lower ranks there was no higher grades and were cachair same time the identity of the great master, as was the case in the "Strict Observance". The Bavarian Illuminati was divided into 13 grades, symbolized by the 13 steps of the pyramid of the Illuminati represented on the "dollar bill".

They had borrowed to their Jesuit spy system to test the weaknesses of the members who went to the title of "Patriarch". This political order allowed them to place the patriarchs in positions where their talents were fully exploited. Discredit was also a tactic to ensure that none of the patriarchs did not detract from the order.

Weishaupt himself intended to attract in his order the best minds and most enlightened he chose in high finance, industry, education and literature. He used bribery by money and sex to control people in high places.

This done, he knew how to sing those characters in positions of leadership to be sure to keep them under control. The Illums of Bavaria began advising government people using followers (higher grades). This, of course, behind the scenes. These experts it intended to give politicians up boards to adopt a certain form of politics that corresponded to their designs. It is, however, if skillfully than those who received advice believed to be the authors own their ideas put into action.

They pretended to explain the existence of the Illuminati of Bavaria, would eliminate what the company was ill and restore man to his natural and happy. This means they would subject the monarchy and the Church, which earned them dangerous opponents. This shows once more that hold the secret was the most important directive of the order.

We learn what was really idélogie Weishaupt a docu ment which was known as the désignadon "NEW TESTAMENT OF SATAN", closely guarded by the Bavarian Illuminati. I consciously here this document because there are still those who doubt the veracity of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Perhaps it is easier for those of acccpter my plan and progress of the book if I do not use the word "JEW". This document is now publicly available in 1875: a messenger of the Illuminati of Bavaria, when he rode from Frankfurt to Paris, was struck by lightning, this incident allowed to take cognizance of some of these information relating to a global conspiracy.

Here are the contents of this document:

The first secret to lead men and be master of public opinion is to sow discord, doubt and create opposing views, the time required for men, lost in the confusion, not go there and are more confident that it is better to have no personal opinion when it comes to affairs of state. We must stir up the passions of the people and create a literature tasteless, obscene and disgusting. The duty of the press is to prove the inability of non-illuminated in all areas of religious life and government.

The second secret is to exacerbate human weaknesses, all the bad habits, passions and faults until règnz complete misunderstanding among people.

It is especially heavy fighting personalities who are the greatest of dangers. If they show a creative spirit, they have more impact than the millions of people left in the dark.

Desires, hatreds, disputes and wars, deprivation, starvation and the spread of epidemics (eg. / AIDS, author's note) must exhaust all peoples to the point that men can see no other solution than to d fully subject to the domination of the Illuminati.

A state exhausted by the struggles or falls into the hands of foreign enemies after a civil war is in any case, doomed to destruction and will eventually be in their power.

It will accustom people to take appearances at face value, at e meeting of the superficial, to pursue only their own pleasure, to toil in their eternal quest for new and, ultimately, to follow the Illuminati. They will reach their goal by paying out the masses for their obedience and listening. The company once depraved men lose all faith in God.

By targeting their work by word and pen and showing adaptation, they lead the people according to their will.

He must accustom men to think for themselves: they provide an education based solely on the concrete and they occupy their minds with oratorical contests which are only simulacra. Speakers from the Illuminati demean the ideas of liberal parties until the men are so tired they take a dislike to all speakers, of whatever kind. By cons, will require citizens to rehashing the state doctrine of the Illuminati to keep them in deep unconsciousness.

The mass is blind, senseless and incapable of judging itself, it will not have a voice in the affairs of state but should be regulated in an iron grip, with precision but also with merciless severity.

To dominate the world, we must take circuitous routes, seeking to dismantle the pillars of any real freedom - that of law, elections, the press, freedom of the person and especially education and training of people - and maintain the strictest secrecy on all that is undertaken.

Intentionally undermining the cornerstone of the state, the Illuminati will of their governments suffer pain until, tired out, they give up their power. It will exacerbate the differences in Europe between individuals and peoples, inciting racial hatred and contempt for the faith, so that a gap is insurmountable, so that no Christian state does not find support, any other state should dread league with him against the Illuminati, fearing that this position serve it.

He will sow discord, unrest and hostilities in other parts of the Earth so that people learn about fear and they are no longer capable of offering the slightest resistance.

Any national institution will fill an important task in the life of the country that the state machine is paralyzed from an institution floundering.

We must choose the future heads of state among those who are servile and unconditionally submitted to the Illuminati and of those whose past is tainted by a secret corner. They will be faithful executors of the instructions given by the Illuminati. Thus, it is possible for them to circumvent the laws and amend constitutions.

The Illuminati have in hand all the armed forces if the right to order the state of war is vested in the President.

For cons, the leaders "uninitiated" will be excluded from state affairs. Just let them take the ceremonial of the label used in each country.

The venality of senior state officials will push governments to accept loans that external debt and make them slaves of the Illuminati, the result: the state debts will increase substantially!

By encouraging economic crises and suddenly withdrawing from circulation all money available, it will cause the collapse of the monetary economy "non-illuminated.

The monetary power is hard-won supremacy in commerce and industry so that industrial enlarge their political power through their money. In addition to the Illuminati, which depend millionaires, police and soldiers, all others will have nothing.

The introduction of universal suffrage shall ensure that only the majority rule. People used to the idea of self-determination will contribute to destroying the sense of family and educational values. Education based on a false doctrine and erroneous teachings stupefy the young pervert and she will make them depraved.

By linking the Masonic lodges existing and creating here and there of new lodges, the Illuminati will achieve the desired goal. Nobody knows their existence or their goals, let alone those morons that are non-Illuminati who have to take part in the Masonic lodges where they open only to throw dust in the eyes.

All these ways will lead people to pray the Illuminati to take over the world. The new world government will appear as a protector and benefactor to all who freely submit to him (the UN, author's note). If a state is rebelling, it must encourage its neighbors to make war against him. If they want an alliance, we must unleash a world war (CORALF: "Maitreya, der kommende Weltlehrer" - Maitreya, the future ruler of the world, Konny-Verlag, 1991, p.115 et seq.).

It is very easy to realize that the content of "New Testament of Satan" is almost the same as the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", the only difference except that the Jews have been replaced by the Illuminati. We've already seen on the order that Adam Weishaupt founded the Order of the Illuminati of Bavaria, it is easy to conclude from where comes the "New Testament of Satan".

The conspirators had recognized the power and influence of Masonic lodges existing and began to infiltrate in a specific plan to obtain control (§ 11 of the Protocols).

The boxes were infiltrators who were designated as the "Grand Orient Lodges (Lodges of the Grand Orient).

A famous French speaker, the Marquis de Mirabeau, was heavily indebted in the process of making a great life and was then contacted by Weishaupt on order of Jewish moneylenders. Thereupon Moses Mendelsohn said Mirabeau to the knowledge of the Jewish woman HERZ. Subsequently, we saw it more often with Mirabeau with her husband. This led Mirabeau subjected to blackmail, to collect debts and he soon found himself under the absolute corrtrôle Illuminati of Bavaria. Shortly afterwards he was obliged to familiarize themselves with the Enlightenment. He received the mission to persuade the Duke of Orleans, already Grand Master of Masons in France, transform "BLUE BOXES" to "BIG EAST OF WELLS".

Mirabeau organized a meeting in 1773 between the Duke of Orleans and Talleyrand to Weishaupt who initiated both to the Masonic Grand Orient ". (34)

When déclaranon of Independence was signed on l May 1776, Adam Weishaupt led forward his plan well thought out and introduced formally odre of the Bavarian Illuminati. This date is given erroneously as the founding date of the order. But the most important years of the order were the six years preceding its official introduction.

Among other members of the order, there was Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the Duke Charles Augustus of Weimar, the Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick, Baron Dahlberg (postmaster general of Thurn und Taxis), Baron Knigge, and many of more ...

In 1777 Weishaupt initiated as the Masonic Lodge of "Theodore of Good Counsel" (Theodore of Good Council) in Munich, he was soon infiltrate the entire box.

April 16, 1782, the alliance between Freemasons and the Illuminati of Bavaria was sealed Wilhelmsbad. The pact establishes a link between approximately three million members of secret societies ruling. An agreement to Congress Wilhelmsbad made possible the admission of Jews in the boxes while they were at that time, few rights.

By controlling the Bavarian Illuminati, the Rothschilds now exerted a direct influence on other important secret lodges.

All those present swore in good conspirators to keep absolute secrecy: in fact, almost anything a filtration of the meeting. We asked COUNTY VIRIECU, one of Freemasons Attendee been shipped to the Congress could reveal some decisions. He replied: "I'm not going to entrust them, I'll just say it's more serious than you think. The conspiracy unfolding here has been so perfectly conceived that there is no possibilitépour the monarchy and the Church to escape it. "

Another person present, the COMTE DE SAINT-GERMAIN, warned later, her friend's murder conspiracy was to overturn the monarciée française.On took no account, alas, to its board.

Some subversive secrets began to break even so, what was the effect that October 11, 1785 the Elector of Bavaria had ordered a raid in the house of Mr. dn Zwack, Weishaupt assistant principal. We laid hands on many documents describing the plan of the Illuminati of Bavaria. the "New World Order (Novus Seclorum Orde).

The Elector of Bavaria then decided to publish these papers as "the original writings of the order and sect of the Illuminati. These messages were subsequently scattered as widely as possible to notify the European monarchs. The title of professor was withdrawn Weishaupt, who disappeared with the Duke of Saxe-Gotha, another member of the Illuminati of Bavaria. Since they do not thwarted the rumor that the order of the Illuminati was destroyed, it allowed them to continue working in secret to resurface later under another name. Within a year, a live show publicly the "Deutsche Einheit" (German Unity), who spread the propaganda of the Illuminati circles among existing players. Here was born the war cry "Freedom, equality, fraternity".

The European monarchs were not aware of the danger, which had resulted in the birth of the French Revolution and the emergence of the Reign of Terror. (35)


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This was the best move managed by the Rothschild family who had prepared, even then, a perfect system of espionage and courier throughout Europe.

On June 20, 1815, one of their agents directly from the battlefield NATHAN ROTHSCHILD informed of the defeat of the French. Nathan hastily despatched to the London Stock Exchange, he believed in selling all its shares "Français Consul" that England had lost the war. Rumors leaked out so quickly that most shareholders panicked thinking all lose, in turn sold their shares "Consul Français. After a few hours, the value of shares fell 5 cents, then that Nathan bought them for a pittance. Shortly after, the official news on the outcome of the war spread to London. Within a few seconds, during the "Consul Français' first passed in value and continued to climb.

Napoleon had his Waterloo and Nathan had obtained control of the British economy. Overnight, the already huge wealth of Rothschild had multiplied by twenty.

The French had difficulty recovering from their defeat. In 1817 they concluded an agreement to obtain credit from a considerable amount of French Bank Ouvrard and Baring Brothers of London, but they addressed themselves not to the Rothschilds. The following year, France was again needed credit, they moved again the Rothschilds.

This does not at all pleased with them, and they tried by every means possible to convince the government to give them the case, but in vain.

On 5 novendre 1818 came an unexpected event. The course of French government bonds which had been rising steadily for a year suddenly began to fall steadily. The atmosphere was tense in the court of King Louis XVIII. The only ones not to be afflicted, and even to laugh, were the Rothschilds, and Jacob Kalmann. These were purchased in October 1818, a huge amount of French government bonds with the help of their agents and their unlimited reserves, bonds issued by their rivals Ouvrard and Baring Brothers. Bond prices were then mounted. But November 5, 1818, they began to inundates obligations innumerable open market of the major trading centers of Europe, which caused a "panic" on the market.

The situation changed suddenly, the Rothschilds became the "number one" in France. They benefited from the attention of the French court, even beyond the field of finance.

In Paris, the House of Rothschild had seized control of France after the defeat of the French, and London, Nathan Rothschild in controlling the "Bank of England, exercised a direct influence on the British Parliament. (36)


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The Freemasons IN AMERICA




The ROSE-CROIX fondèreint their first colony (now Pennsylvania) in 1694. The Freemasons, meanwhile, opened their front row, with the permission of the mother lodge of England, circa 1730.

This is the secret work performed for centuries by the Masons who helped create the United States. It was the Masons who organized and led the American War of Independence, it is also who wrote and signed the Constitution of the United States. A third of U.S. presidents were Masons. They are also widely represented in Congress and Senate. The seal U.S., the Pyramid to the eye that sees all the arms of the state on the back of the seal, the phoenix and the banner home with the 13 stars and 13 stripes are old and important symbols Freemasonry. Although they were created on the order introduced by Rothschild and Adam Weishaupt, but their symbolism goes back to the days of Ancient Egypt. It PHILIPPE ROTHSCHILD which was the draft of the pyramid of the Illuminati, represented on the dollar bills, as revealed by his girlfriend Ayn Rand in her book "Atlas Shrugged". (36A)

At the end of the war of independence, the lodges of Freemasons American broke away from the lodge English mother, they founded their own GREAT AMERICAN LODGE. This included the "York Rite", composed of 10 degrees (the 10th degree is that of the Templars) and the "Scottish Rite" itself divided into 33 degrees.

Most Freemasons imagine that there are no degrees beyond the 33rd. Indeed, members of the 33rd degree become insiders among the Illuminati who have their own degrees (cf. § 11 of the Protocols).

The Bavarian Illumilés already perfectly controlled all the lodges of Grand Orient "of Europe. The Freemasons of America at that time, were, however, not yet contaminated by the "Enlightenment" of Weishaupt. This happened later. (37)

Note on the current situation:

We must know that probably 90% of the Freemasons of today have no idea what their superiors, embedded in the network of the Illuminati, may well maneuver. The Freemasons, like many other organizations, are only a cover that allows the Illuminati to increase their influence.

Lyndon LaRouche gives the following description: "The image of local lodges of Freemasons is given mostly by their actions. Very often, what are circles of men pursuing specific goals of 'utilities, which use a secret handshake or other hocus-pocus own secret societies. By meeting, they think they can pretend to be personalities. It is advantageous for their business and career. Their wives are also good company and in society and learn the latest neighborhood gossip. But at the top, it is quite different .. Just lodge brother really knows not what happens while above. (...)" ( "Neue Solidarität" of March 10, 1993). (38)

Mention because it's interesting that if Masons German Prussian began serving Americans, other Freemasons in Germany and England supporters filled the pockets. Nearly 30,000 troops from six German states which half were from Hesse-Hanau was leased to the British government. In many battles against the Americans, the British Army had more German soldiers than British soldiers. These include the battle of Trenton where does that fought the Germans. (39)

Meanwhile, what about finance in the United States?

American presidents Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were strongly opposed to the idea of a private central bank that would control the U.S. currency. After the death of B. Franklin in 1790, Rothschild agents promurent ALEXANDER HAMILTON as Minister of Finance.













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A branch of the Illuminati of Bavaria, who at that time was
known as the "League of the Just" ( "League of the Just") and came from a secret group of revolutionary French blockbuster, the "COMPANY OF THE FOUR SEASONS", received two new members, the Jewish MOSES MODECHAI MARX LEVI (alias Karl Marx) and his friend Frederich Engels, the son of an industrialist. Both wrote later for "League of the just" the Communist Manifesto. Part of the Manifesto was their own, much reflection, however, the ideology of the League fair "and that of other French secret societies that opposed to France with revolutionary ideas. Gary Allen writes:

"In fact, the" Communist Manifesto "was already in circulation for many years, long before the name of Karl Marx was known as to be used for this revolutionary handbook. All that Marx actually did was to modernize and consolidate projects and revolutionary principles that had been written 70 years earlier by Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Bavarian Illuminati. "(" Die Insider ", p. 32)

Nothing stands now, the "fight against capitalism." Marx was able to modify his brilliant mind the image of the League of the righteous, so much so that she changed her name and became, in 1847, the League of Communists. "

He baited here very clearly how the Bavarian Illuminati created in England and America syeèmes "capitalists" as well as "capitalist", even communists, which allowed them to use the resulting conflict in the manner of Machiavelli they managed to keep humanity in a constant discord and confusion in perfect. (42)


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Weishaupt died in 1830 at the age of 82 years. In 1834, Giuseppe Mazzini took over the management of the order of the Illuminati of Bavaria until his death in 1872.

During his presidency in that order, he corresponded with the Satanist Albert Pike, "SOVEREIGN GRAND MASTER OF THE ANCIENT AND HONORABLE Scottish Rite of Freemasonry" in the court of the southern United States and in the future founder of the KU KLUX KLAN " .

Pike had been appointed by Mazzini operations officer for the Bavarian Illuminati in the United States. Both collaborated as is enlightened high level. Pike undertook theosophical aspects of operations, Mazzini of those related to politics. When the Masonic lodges of the Grand Orient were driscréditées as a result of Mazzini's revolutionary activities in Europe, celuici presented a brilliant plan to Pike.


"We must allow all groups to continue to exercise as they did juqu'à this with their systems themselves, their umbrella organizations, how they match between high levels of the same ritual, keeping their shape d 'current organization. But we must create a super rite, which must remain unknown and will be made by the masons degree than we have ourselves chosen. These men, in deference to our brothers, must be held incommunicado the absolute. The supreme rite we will govern Freemasonry as a whole will become more powerful they ignore who is the head (Lady Queensborough: Occult Theocracy, p.208, 209 and Gary Allen: "Die Insider").

The ideology of this grade is treated in the next chapter.

In a letter dated August 15, 1871, introduced Pike to Mazzini, leader of the Illuminati, a roughly drawn plan to conquer the world with three world wars to establish the "NEW WORLD ORDER".

The FIRST WORLD WAR should be directed to the Bavarian Illuminati have direct control over the Russian tsars. As a result of which Russia could be used as the "black beast" that would serve the purposes of the Bavarian Illuminati worldwide.

The SECOND WORLD WAR is created from scratch by manipulating differences of opinion prevailing among German nationalists and Zionists politically engaged. This would bring Russia to extend its sphere of influence and would create a state of Israel in Palestine.

The plan for World War III would be based on differences of opinion that the Illuminati had created between the Zionists and the Arabs.

A bet of War III would be to compare nihilists and atheists to provoke a social shift that would emerge after clashes of brutality and bestiality ever seen. Christianity and atheism once squandered, we present the real men "Luciferian doctrine", which would do two things at once. (43)

Note on the current situation:

In presenting Russia as "the black beast", it forced the nations of the West to approve supranational alliances that they never entered themselves (NATO, UN). Moreover, the Russian empire held the enemy in the world was flourishing international trade in weapons, which took advantage of the new international bankers.

Obviously, we are dealing with an entirely different scenario for the Second World War than we are taught in books scolaies.


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Let us now on Albert Pike and the "Scottish Rite Masons. Officially it was in 1801 that formed the Masonic order of "Scottish Rite" in the United States, was from a group of Tory supporters. These had previously been anti-Christian and satanic practices.

Since approximately 1840, the Organization of American Freemasons is under the strict control of the "Scottish Rite", which provides levels of initiation to the 33rd degree and is divided into two courts, one in southern Arkansas and north of Boston.

In the middle of last century, the Scottish Rite, strategic tool of the "British Crown" (explained in next chapter), launched a lengthy attack against the United States and neighboring states, causing murder and acts of violence such racist. The American occupation of Mexico during the Mexican War (1846-48), the slave rebellion (1801-65), ie d. American Civil War and the campaign of the Ku Klux Klan against the rebuilding of the Southern States (1807-79), were the most important events. (43A)

The "KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN CIRCLE" founded by George Bickley appeared here for the first time in Cincinnati led by KILLIAN VAN Rensselaers. The "Golden Circle" was to erect a new empire of slaves in Cuba for taking center. Their goal: to end the Spanish Catholics they hated to replace the black slaves who had arrived from Africa. This was the first "free-trade of North America. The seal of the "KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN CIRCLE" was the same as "KNIGHTS OF MALTA", the "Maltese cross". The "Knights of the Golden Circle" eventually disappear.

Albert Pike founded in 1867 in Nashville the "ORDER OF THE KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN", it was the "great dragon" and, consequently, the leader of the Ku Klux Klan (in Greek: kyklos = circle). And so now reappeared as the "Knights of the Golden Circle".

The KKK also uses the Maltese cross as its emblem, it is headed prominent Freemasons.

When you know how the aims of the KKK are racist and demeaning to humans, it raises the question about the true nature of its founders and its members. One can not help then ask if they are fellow human beings. The objectives pursued with violence are to avoid the black citizens their right to vote, to remove their right to own weapons, to disadvantage schools for children nois and lowering their standard of living to that of slaves.

The 1843 was the AnneC dc creation of the Independent Order "B'INAI B'RITH" in the Jewish community. This secret lodge sionniste is counted among those of Freemasons. "B'nai B'rith" actually means "the son of the covenant." She claims supremacy over world Jewry.

Although most lodges of this order were in the northern states-the U.S., "B'INAI B'RITH" declared openly alongside the Confederates. Many spokesman for that order in the North strongly supported slavery and continued even after the civil war, to work with the confederates they shared the goals. (44)

Note on the current situation:

THE ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE (ADL), linked to the order "B'INAI B'RITH, recently began a campaign to malign politicians African Americans prominent in calling them anti-Semitic. It's a way to stir up racial conflict and a negative influence on well-meaning American Jews who, hitherto maintained blacks. The ADL also claims to be opposed to the KKK but strongly defended the statue of Albert Pike (founder of the KKK) who happens to be today in Washington. The ADL is openly linked to the "Scottish Rite". (45)

I would like to share an excerpt from the speech of PIKE July 4, 1889, for members of the 32nd degree of the "Scottish Rite"

"We worship a God who is, in fact, a God that we pray without superstition. All of us initiates of high rank, must continue to live our faith in the purity of the teaching of Lucifer. If Lucifer was not God, if he slandered by Adonai (Christ) whose actions demonstrate cruelty, hatred toward his neighbor (...) and rejection of science?

Yes, Lucifer is God, Adonai is also, alas, God.

The eternal law qit there is no light without shade, beauty without ugliness, no white darkness, because the absolute can only exist in two Gods. (...) This is why the teaching of Satanism is heresy. The true philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the God of Light set to the same rank Adonai. But Lucifer, god of light and good, fighting for people against Adonai, God of darkness and evil. (45A)

You can read elsewhere, this quote, in English and French, in the case of Pike located in the library of the Scottish Rite in Washington DC

Pike was, by his own account, Satanist and agent of the "British Crown" then the "CITY". Pike conferred in 1867, all degrees of 4th at the Scottish Rite 32nd President of the United States ANDREW JOHNSON. Thirty-nine days after President THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Anglophile and also racist Freemason, had acceded to his office, the monument of Albert Pike was installed in Washington, it is still there. (46)

Note on the current situation:

We find that in a hierarchical person has free will but the "manager" or "superior". To reach a higher level, the individual must perform the tests imposed by that grade.

An example:

I show the applicant to a higher level white paper but I told him that he is black. Then I asked him what his color. If White responds he failed, he replied he is black admitted to the next grade and receive new trials that will run quietly ignoring his own will.

You you realize that all hierarchies of the world are built on this principle? That all school systems, almost all religions, including Christianity, Islam, Hindu, Buddhist, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Scientologists, etc.. are modeled on the same principle? It is not allowed to have its own oprinion its own system of thought, to move freely, follow the instructions that we receive from above.

Whether, as in Pike's example cited above, the Luciferian doctrine for the 33rd degree, or the dogmas of the Catholic Church or imposed their Islamic faith, this is the same.


Analole France proclaimed this topic:


Note on the current situation:
Regarding President BILL CLINTON (Former Governor of Arkansas): The newspaper "Neue Solidarität" informs us in his article on the Ku Klux Klan as "the priest W.0. VAUGHT was a freemason of the 32nd degree Scottish Rite (ie d. "master of the royal secret"). He was the spiritual master and adoptive father of BILL CLINTON and work with him. As governor of Arkansas, a state which is strongly rooted tradition of spiritual Albert Pike, Clinton supported the death penalty and was applied several times: In practice, this means the performance of blacks and poor. As Vaught's son recently stated, Vaught and Clinton have the same religious view that can kill prisoners and fetuses (especially black children).

Clinton is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, "the" Trilateral Commission ", the" Bilderberger "(whose role is explained later) and life member of the Order of Freemasons of" De Molay ". (47)

Jacques de Molay was Grand Master of the Templars that was burned March 11, 1314 in Paris. According to the writing of the order, "De Molay Order" is led by prominent Freemasons and consists of the 14 to 21 who were high in learning the seven virtues: l 'parents' love, respect, courtesy, comradeship, straight thoughts, words and deeds, loyalty and patriotism. It remains whether this is the truth. (48)


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Before embarking on this subject in England, clarify, first, some concepts.

The "QUEEN" is the head of the English royal family and the British colonial empire, with London as its capital, governed by a prime minister and a cabinet of close associates.

A London is, however, as in Rome with Valican a separate state, independent, "City". The "CITY", described as the "square mile" the richest in the world, occupies the heart of London 2.7 square kilometers. It is said to have 4,600 inhabitants and 500,000 jobs. The government of the "CITY" is the "Crown", consisting of 13 men governed by the king of the "CITY", "the LORD MAYOR. Here are the richest and most powerful economic institutions of England, as the Bank of England controlled by Rothschild, the Lloyd's of London, the London Stock Exchange, the offices of corporations must trade to international fame and that the "Fleet Street", the heart of the world press and publishing. "City" is not part of England. It is not under the control of the monarchy nor in that of the British Parliament. "City" is the true government of England as the Queen as Prime Minister are the "Lord Mayor" and obey him: Prime Minister and Cabinet to believe they run the game then they are in fact, that the mere puppets of the "City".

When the Queen visits the LORD MAYOR, it has the capacity to "Temple Bar", is symbolic of the city. She bows and asks permission to enter his private sovereign state. It grants him entry into presenting the sword of state. In such state visits, LORD MAYOR is more radiant in her ceremonial dress that holding "service" of the royal suite is modest. When then accompanies the queen through the city, this walk two steps behind him.

At William Paterson was an "agent of the City" that we owe the founding of the "Bank of England, as we have already seen. According to explanations by Des Griffin, the CITY is controlled by the Rothschild empire.

To avoid misunderstandings, we need to know that there Grandc in Britain two empires were acting separately. One was the British colonial empire under the leadership of the royal family, the other the empire of the Crown. All settlements with whites (South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Canada) were under the authority of the British government. All other colonies (India, Egypt, Bermuda, Malta, Singapore, Hong Kong, Gibraltar and the Central African colonies) were the private property of the Crown, designated as colonies of the crown. (49)

Synifie This does not, however, there was no cooperation. By expanding its colonies, the British company MERCHANT EAST INDIA COMPANY (BEIMC) amassed a huge fortune through the opium trade. The BEIMC founded the "Inland Mission" whose main task was to get dependent on opium for Chinese workers poorly paid and thus create a market for their goods. The British royal family is both praised and so these huge profits it began cooperating with the BEIMC. The royal family began to tax the producers of opium in India. Colossal amounts of opium were loaded leaving India on the "China Tea Clippers" and 13% of the economic income of India, which was under the dominion of the Crown, were obtained by the sale of pure opium in Bengali China is also under control of the Crown.

While the royal family did not want this "dark corner" appears in the open. Therefore they impliquèrent British secret service, the "BRITISH MILITARY INTELLIGENCE DEPARTMENT (MI6) and the" Secret Intelligence Service (SIS).

The existence of MI6 was in the Queen Elizabeth 1st when Sir Francis Walsingham became treasurer of the department "Dirty Tricks" of MI6. After centuries of experience, MI6 is among the best intelligence in the world.

The BEIMC headed for a century the race to market OPIM until 1829, when the government forbade Chinese to smoke opium.

From 1791 to 1894, the number of licensed opium plantations grew from 87 to 663 under the supervision of the British Crown. This eventually led to the Opium Wars in China.

In 1729. the BEIMC founded the "COMMITTEE IDES 300" ( "Commitee of 300") which deals with business and international banking business (the "Committee of 300 also known as the elect of the City, is today one of the most secret organizations powerful vacuum and a "single world government"). The Committee of 300 devised later tactics to bypass the anti-Chinese laws drugs.

WHEN Inchape founded the Society of steam navigation P & O, it was actually the founder of the Bank of Hong Kong and Shanghai "which was a cover for smuggling opium. Other British banks mixed with drug trafficking were: The British Bank of the Middle East, Midland Bank, National Westminster Bank, Barclays Bank, Royal Bank of Canada and Baring Brothers Bank. All these banks are linked by the "Committee of 300" Rothschild banks.

During the contruction of the Harriman railroad that would link California to the eastern United States, we embarked for the work of thousands of Chinese workers cheaply. Many of them were addicts, and it stretched the drug market in the United States. HARRIMAN founded his empire railway through loans "NM Rothschild & Sons Bank in London. There are good reasons to conclude that the Chinese opium addicts have been hired in order to extend precisely to the U.S. drug market. (50)

Note on the current situation:

The newspaper "Neue Solidarität" wrote in the edition of September 8, 1993 the chapter "The Queen and srupéfiants"

"This is a rare, extraordinary surprise and quite pleasant to find that, for once, in the British press news fairly close to the truth about the royal family. Last week, a new this style that competed in the headlines with global political events on the front page of the sacrosanct "Times" of London August 27, 1993. The title "The Royal Family was" high "in the Highlands." The article referred to a report carefully studied the magazine Scottish "Leopard" revealed that drugs and drug belonged to the panoply of the royal family brilannique. The "Leopard" proved, original documents in support, that Queen Victoria and her entourage (eg. the Churchill and Rothschild families) quite regularly commanded large packages of cocaine, heroin and other drugs in a pharmacy in the Highlands. The "Times" made the same assertion. He formulated with delight: "The Queen Victoria, monarch stern face, known for the phrase "it is no fun at all", seems to have ordered for the Royal household in residence Balmoral (Scotland) enough cocaine and heroin to maintain the heights in a Scottish Highland Valley ". The documents from the pharmacy showed that the royal personages and their guests provided regularly and in large quantities in solutions of cocaine and heroin.


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The Bolshevik Revolution AND BELOW




Many Jews who do not own land were forced to travel in all countries because of numerous anti-Semitic acts in Europe. Whatever the country where they were staying. They clashed, mostly in a unanimous rejection. At the end of the 19th century, the only real obstacle that prevented the Illuminati control the world was Czarist Russia.

In 1881, Theodor Herzl founded the "Zionist Movement" in Odessa, Russia, in order to create a homeland for Jews in Palestine.

In 1916, Jacob Schiff, Chairman of "Khun Loeb & Co. Bank, was chosen at a gathering of B'nai B'rith in New York as president of the" Zionist movement (revolutionary) in Russia. " (51)

On January 13, 1917, the Jew Leon Trotsky (aka Bronstein) arrived in the United States and received an American passport. He was seen occasionally penetrate the very luxurious residence of Jacob Schiff.

Schiff and Trotsky then exchanged on disorders Zionists in Russia and the lessons they had learned from the failure of the overthrow of the Tsar. Jacob Schiff financed the training of "Trotskyite rebel", composed mainly of Jews from the Quarrier New Jersey. Their training took place in the ownership of the "STANDARD OIL COMPANY" Rockefeller in New Jersey. When they were sufficiently trained to conduct guerrilla rebels Trotskyist left the United States bearing a $ 20 million in gold that Jacob Schiff had given them. The boat "SS Kristianiafjord" took them to Russia to prepare for the advent of the "Bolshevik revolution" (more below).

Trotsky and Lenin were both in league, through Bruce Lockheart, with the "Committee of 300". (52)


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Let us look now to a powerful organization of the Illuminati in the United States, the "ORDER SKULL & BONES".

Its own members call "The Order" (order). It has been known for over 150 years as a local group 322 of a German secret society, while others give the name of "Brotherhood of Death" (Brotherhood of Death). The secret order "SKULL & BONES" (skull and bones) was introduced at Yale University by William Huntington Russell and ALPHONS0 Taft in 1833. Russel who is brought back after his studies in 1832, Germany at Yale. The order was incorporated in the "Russell Trust in 1856.

WILLIAM RUSSEL became, in 1846, a member of the Assembly State of Connecticut and in 1862 he was appointed general of the National Guard.

ALPHONS0 Taft became war minister in 1876, then Vice-General and Ambassador of the United States to Russia in 1884. His son later became the first judge, then President of the United States.

An old tradition is represented on the tombstones of the free - masons the rank of master skull and bones in the shape of a cross. This goes back as a rite of Templar in 1127 AD. AD The name of the order is probably one of those traditions.

Yale and the only university with secret societies which are admitted only seniors, that is to say old.

The candidates are exclusively white and male, Protestants and are usually from very wealthy families. Often, their fathers were already members of the same order. During the last year of study, they are called knights, later they become pairiarches lifetime.

The patriarchs gather for meetings at the "DEER ISLAND CLUB" in New York. The club owes its existence since 1907, the patriarch George Douglas. The "Deer Island Club" as the "Russell Trust" are administered and managed by the patriarchs.

It is surprising that leading members of "EASTERN LIBERAL ESTABLISHMENT" (the establishment of the East Coast) have always been members of one of these companies (according to Gary Allen, the establishment of the East Coast is the paraphrase of the mafia financial, political, academic and media controlled by the Rockefellers).

In this regard, a bank worth mentioning is the "WA Harriman Company. Its founder William Averall Harriman was initiated into the order "SKULL & BONES" in 1913. In the twenties, W. A. Harriman was one who argued most Russians with money and diplomatic support. His financial support came from the "RUSKOMBANK", the first Soviet commercial bank. MAX MAY, Vice-President of the "Guaranty Trust and a member of" Skull & Bones ", became the first vice-president of the" Ruskombank. The "Guaranty Trust" was under the control of the bank "J. P. Morgan & Co. (bank associated with the bank N ~ M. Rothschild) and some associates of J. Y insiders were: Harold Stanley in 1908 and Thomas Cochran in 1904. The initial capital for the "Guaranty Trust" came from Whitney, Rockefeller, Harriman and Vanderbilt all these families had members in order "SKULL & BONES".

PERCY ROCKEFELLER was the only family to be admitted. He represented the Rockefeller investment in the "Guaranty Trust and was its director from 1915 to 1930. (53)

Summary on the banks listed above:

The "NM Rothschild & Sons Bank" had its branches in London, Paris, Vienna and Berlin, The Rothschilds controlled during this period of history, the City of London, and thereby also the colonies of the British Crown and the British government and the French government, the "Committee of 300", the Illuminati of Bavaria and, consequently, all the secret lodges of Europe and the United States infiltrated by the Illuminati. With the help of their representatives, "Khun Loeb Bank" whose director was Jacob Schiff, the August Belmont & Co. Bank "and" JP Morgan & Co. Bank "in the United States and the" MM Warburg Gesellschaft "in Hamburg and Amsterdam, the Rothschilds were erected, among others, the" Standard Oil-Imperium "Rockefeller, railways Harriman and Carnegie steel mills, and they controlled, and, most of the economy & mériocaine.

The banks mentioned above were among the most powerful of the world and were all under the control of the Rothschilds. As we will see, we are only modest beginnings of the Rothschild empire. (54)


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Towards the end of 19èmz century, banks dependent Rothschild began a major campaign to bring under control the rich economy of the United States. The Rothschilds financed the European bank cited above from J. P. Morgan & Co., Bank of Khun Loeb & Co., Standard Oil Co. of John D. Rockefeller, railways Edward Harriman and Andrew Carnegie mills. This link certainly meant more than having only one foot in the U.S. economy. By 1900, the Rothschilds sent another officer in the United States, Paul Warburg, to collaborate with "Khun Loeb & Co. Bank. Remember the name of the "agent of the Rothschilds" that weave a network of many organizations! Jacob Schiff and Paul Warburg began a campaign to establish the "FEDERAL RESERVE BANK" and make a private central bank, well established in America.

Jacob Schiff was in 1907 at the Chamber of Commerce New York, the following speech:

"If we have no central bank that oversees enough credit funds, the country will experience the most severe and most profound currency crisis in its history.

(Des Griffin: "Die Absteiger)

No sooner said than done, when they plunged the U.S. into a currency crisis: the panic that ensued in the capital market ruined the lives of tens of thousands of men throughout the country. Panic at the New York Stock Exchange reported to the Rothschilds, in addition to several billion dollars, the desired success: It was cleverly designed, we made use of panic as an excuse to finally create a central bank to avoid incidents kind. Paul Warburg told the Committee on Banking and Currency Fund:

"The first thing that came to mind after this panic was the need for a national central bank (Bank-Clearing). (...)"

(Gary Allen "Die Insider")

The final agreement introducing the "FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM" (the private central bank of America) has created an estate of J. P. Morgan on Jekyll Island in Georgia. Those present were as follows according to research by Herbert G. Dorsey A. Piatt Andrew, Senator Nelson Aldrich, Frank Vanderlip (president of the bank "Khun Loeb & Co.), Henry Davidson (Associate JP Morgan Bank"), Charles Norton (President of the "First National Bank" Morgan) Paul Warburg and Benjamin Strong (Chairman of the "Bankers Trust Co., Morgan).

The creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 then permitted the international bankers to consolidate their financial power in the United States. Paul Warburg became the first president of the "New York Federal Reserve Bank.

The decree of the Federal Reserve was followed by the introduction of the 16th section complementary to the U.S. Constitution which gave, now, Congress can impose personal income of U.S. citizens. This was because the U.S. government had no right to print its own money to finance its operations.

This was the first time in history since the founding of the United States that people should pay taxes on income.

The largest shareholders of Federal Reserve (Fed) were:

1 banks Rothsaid London and Paris
2. the "Lazard Brothers Bank" of Paris
3. the "Israel Moses Seif Bank" of Italy
4. the "Warburg Bank of Amsterdam and Hamburg
5. the "Lehmann Bank of New York
6. the "Khun Loeb Bank of New York
7. the Chase Manhattan Bank "Rockefeller of New York
8. the "Goldman Sachs Bank of New York

Congressman CHARLES LINDBERGH has already said that time talking about the new Federal Reserve Bank as its financial strength made it the "invisible government".

How, indeed, this bank?

The "Free Market Committee" of the Fed produced "Notes from the Federal Reserve" (dollars). These notes are loaned to the Government of the United States in exchange for bonds that serve as security to the Fed. These obligations are in the hands of the twelve Federal Reserve banks which receive annual interest.

Note on the current situation:

In 1982, the treasury of the United States showed a sette of approximately $ 1,070,241 million. The Fed therefore reaped about $ 115,800 million of interest on one year, paid by American taxpayers. The capital of that interest goes straight into the pockets of the Fed, so in those of private international bankers.

In 1992, the bonds held by the Fed were valued at about 5,000,000 million $ and the interest payable by taxpayers rising constantly. It's the Fed that created all this capital by lending money to the U.S. government and related interest rates, it had to pay the printing costs. This is the greatest deception in the history of the United States and nobody noticed. In addition, the Fed, thanks to U.S. government bonds, to the right of pledge on public and private property of all the United States. Countless legal procedures have so far remained fruitless and could not cancel the Law of the Federal Reserve. Legally, there is no possibility for citizens to recover their money since the Fed n'st not a department of the U.S. government but a private institution. According to constitutional law, Fed would have no right to exist.

Therefore nine states of the United States have already begun a "process state" to cancel the Fed. (55)


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In all periods of history, there have been kings and dictators who had the reputation of spending more money that they could not escape their people by making him pay taxes. The nations and governments then borrowed money for banks but the banks how they were recovering the money if the government could not or would not pay? The only solution was war!

The way banks financed the government is reminiscent of a credit institution which lends money to a customer for buying a car. If the customer can not pay its bills, the car is seized. The same system that applied for government funding. Do not lend money to one country. We must do the same with the country side. The lender must ensure that both countries are equally puisance so that in case of conflict, the funding is the determinant facxteur. If a country does not pay, the lender threatens war this country via another country. If the first country still refuses to pay, the lender will put a stranglehold on him using the other countries which will make the country its first war booty (see Machiavelli).

The House of Rothschild has been working for about 160 years after the concept (see § 9 of the Protocols).

Nathan and his brothers began to play this game in the last century in Europe, apes their success during the Napoleonic Gueu. At that time flourished in Europe "balance of forces." To strengthen its position as "dominant invisible" in the House of Rothschild Europe must build two powers almost equal force to ensure the "balance of power". The Rothschilds were responsible for ensuring that all the kings of camp A could be threatened by all the kings of camp B. They financed course both sides. But he then had a third power that could serve as insurance in case one of the country would leave the ranks. This country was England who had Nathan, now the supremacy in Europe. It was easy to predict the end of a war: it was enough to see to which side of England as it was, ultimately, always with the winner. England, or more accurately say the Crown, provided a "trustee input Royal" so effective that the Rothschilds control ends at the beginning of the century, half the goods of this world. (55A)


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Gary Allen writes in his book "Die Insider":

"The organization" THE ROUND TABLE "comes from the dream of a life of Cecil Rhodes, magna diamonds and gold who aspired to a" New World Order. "Her biographer Sarah Millin said he had more practical" the simple desire to rule the world. "Professor Quigley says:" In the mid 1890s, Rhodes had a personal income that was at least one million pounds per year and he spent so freely that his account was most often found. "(...)

That air Rhodes participated in a conspiracy to achieve world government, a succession of wills witnessed. Frank Aydelotte in his book "American Rhodes Sholarship": "(...) In his first will Rhodes explains his purpose in detail: the extension of British rule the world (with English as a world language, note the author) (...), the establishment of so powerful that any war would become impossible and the support of humanitarian interests. The "creed" (part of the will note the author) describes these ideas. The model of the secret society was the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), although he used as the Freemasons. " (...)

Gary Allen continues:

"Note that the author of this kind of secret society was Adam Weishaupt, a philosopher who founded doubtful, May 1, 1776, Order of the Illuminati of Bavaria to a conspiracy to control the world. The Bavarian Illuminati of Weishaupt defend, undoubtedly, the theses of the regime of terror. For years, the techniques of the Illuminati (Bavarian) served as a model for communist. Weishaupt example also took on the organization of the Society of Jesus and transcribed his code under fair Masonic. Aydelotte continues: "In 1888, Rhodes wrote his third (...), it will bequeathed everything to Lord Rothschild (his financier in its mining companies). A letter was attached, containing "the substance of what has been discussed between us." We think it was his first test and its "credo" since a postscript Rhodes says: "As for questions that are alluded to, take the constitution of the Jesuits, if you can get" .

"For strategic reasons apparently, Lord Rothschild was later removed from the limelight. Professor Quigley reveals that Lord Rothschild" was accepted into the secret circle of Rhodes in place of his stepfather, Lord Rothschild, and he was appointed in the next (and last) will of Rhodes as trustee. The secret society was built on the pattern of conspiracy by small circles to go to the greatest. Professor Quigley informs us that the kernel Central was founded in March 1891 with funds from Rhodes. The operation was conducted "for Rothschild" by Alfred Milner at. (...) THE ROUND TABLE worked behind the scenes of the British government. She exercised influence on foreign policy and the conduct of England during the First World War ".

William Bramley writes about the "Round Table":

"Rhodes was undoubtedly on the right track. If he had reached his goal, it would offset a lot of negative consequences (...) from the network of" Brotherhood of the snake. "The disastrous effects of which we speak in the history of the Tower of Babel, which is due to the different languages of men could be erased with the introduction of a universal language. If it encouraged men to become global citizens, it would be easier overcome all forms of national socialism that contribute to trigger wars. But something went wrong. Rhodes believed to achieve its goals through the network of the "Brotherhood of the snake" was in fact corrupt. This is why institutions created by Rhodes fell quickly into the hands of those who would use it successfully to oppress men. " (56)


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The alliance of German states under Bismarck upset the "balance of power" that existed for over two centuries in Europe. Until 1871, Britain had ruled the European continent, supremacy had been repeatedly challenged by Spain and France but England was always emerged victorious. The Germans became more powerful by the acquisition of colonies and by extension their military force, represented a serious military and economic threat to the Illuminati and also for England and its supremacy in Europe.

To remedy this, the international bankers who were excluded at that time, the economic development of Germany sought out by all possible means to curb its growth and control. Between 1894 and 1907, we signed the Treaty on the Treaty that Russia, France, Britain and other nations join forces in war against Germany. (57)

In addition, the task of the "Committee of 300" was to begin preparations to stage the First World War. A front organization emerges from the group "ROUND TABLE", "the RIIA (Royal Institute for International Affairs = Royal Institute for International Affairs). (57A) The RIIA, also known as the "Chatham House", was among its founding members, among others, Albert Lord Gray, the writer H. G. Wells, Lord Tynbee, the eminence grise of MI6, Lord Alfred Milner, the leader of the "Round Table" and H. J. Mackinder, the inventor of geopolitics.

The RIIA was mandated by the "Committee of 300" to study in detail the staging of this war. Were personally responsible in Lord Northcliffe, Lord Rothmere, both members of "Committee of 300" and Arnold Toynbee of the MI6. This work was conducted at the "Wellington House" which was taking place scéances of brainstorming: there developed techniques that would change the opinion of the people and lead to war.

"Specialists" Americans such as Edward Bernays and Walter Lippman were of the party. Lord Rothmere used the newspaper he edited to test their techniques of "social conditioning" on the people. After a test period of six months, they found that 87% of the public had formed an opinion from the newspaper, without showing any reflection or criticism personal. It was what they wanted. Shortly after they submitted the English working class in propaganda techniques refined. Their purpose was to convince these workers to send thousands to their son's death. (57B)

On the U.S. side, President Theodore Roosevelt (26th president) said in its manifesto of 1912:

"Behind the visible government headquarters an invisible government which is not loyalty to the people and assumes no responsibility. To destroy this invisible government, destroy the wicked link that connects business with corrupt politics, corrupt itself, so the duty of the statesman. "

(Dieter Rüggeberg "Gehimpolitik", p.75) (58)


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From the outside, the world was at peace in the early 20th century. But it was only appearance, for a long time, being prepared behind the scenes, a bloodbath that the world would not soon forget.

The Illuminati had understood that to carry out their plan for a "New World Order", ravages and cruelties proved necessary and would spare no nation.

Most historians agree that the cause of the war had been a simple difference between Austria and Serbia. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was to succeed to the throne of Austria and his wife Sophie, executed by the Serb secret society the secret "Black Hand" in Sarajevo sparked the First World War.

The invisible puisances used it to perform this attack the World War Albert Pike had announced more than 40 years earlier.

Nous known throughout the déroulemont of shall therefore consider that what happened on the side Russian. Russia, although it possessed the largest army the world had equipment misery to face a major conflict. Before the outbreak of war in 1914, CROWN BRITANNIOUE had assured Russia of its total aid and military support in case of war. At the beginning of the war, this support was reduced to 10% of aid given before the war. It is obvious that the owners of monopoly money, in perfect agreement with the plan described by Pike, wanted to plunge Russia into a very dangerous situation.

At the same time, while millions of Russians had already fallen in battle, officers ROTHSCHILD had done a good job of accentuating the already dire situation of the Russians. The philosophy of the Illuminati feeds on poverty and insecurity and saw their efforts rewarded: the stage was clear for a revolution that would occur following the defeat by the Germans.

The Revolution broke out in February 1917, the Tsar was overthrown and Prince Georgi Luwow took charge of state affairs in an interim government that succeeded, however, has not prevented the country from falling into decay. (59)

I would like to present resume Chapire "the Bolshevik Revolution and its bottom" at which Trotsky and his rebels are leaving New York on the S. S. Kristianiafjord with 20 million dollars in gold.

The steamer chartered by Jacob Schiff was arrested April 3, 1917 by Canadian authorities in Halifax, Nova Scotia. It seemed that the Illuminati plan was doomed to failure. But Jacob Schiff used his influence and that of his friends in the Illuminati and the U.S. government in England so the journey could resume soon after. Arrived in Europe, Trotsky went directly to Switzerland to meet Lenin, Stalin, Kagonowitch and Litwinow to finalize the details of their strategy.

It is interresting to note here that the eminent representatives and agents of all nations participating in the war could meet openly in a neutral country, Switzerland. Switzerland is in its current form since 1815, the year Congress of Vienna and it was assured of permanent neutrality.

A coincidence?

Or a place so safe and so small at the center of Europe lends itself does not fully meet the plans of those who live by the war?

The conspirators then found themselves obliged to solve the following problem: how to travel from Switzerland to Russia with the rebels and their weapons? The solution was given by the agent of Rothschild, head of the German secret police: MAX WARBURG. He piled them all in a wagon train sealed and took charge of their passage to the Russian border. When the train stopped for the first time in Germany, two German officers went up to escort him. they had received orders from General Erich Ludendorff.

Max Warburg was the brother of Paul Warburg, first president of the Federal Reserve Bank.

In July 1917, conspiracy backed by the international bankers suffers early setbacks, Lenin had to flee with some others in Finland. By cons, in November 1917, their efforts were finally crowned with success.

If we take into consideration the financial support that was added to the training received in New York, there is nothing wonderful. During the bloody civil war that followed the Bolshevik revolution, Lenin was the undisputed leader of political activities and Trotsky was responsible for the military organization that was, in fact, the "Red Army". The name "Red Army" was not given a name incorrectly or found by chance. The "Red Army" Bolsheviks under the leadership of Trotsky was the deadly instrument of international bankers, themselves under the domination of Rothschild (literal translation of the word red sign). That this army is the emblem or red sign, this could be adequate.

Meanwhile, and it became a historical fact, most of the rebels under the leadership of Lenin were Jews. The Times also wrote March 29, 1919 that "one of the most interesting features of the Bolshevik movement is the high percentage of men in the non-Russian team. At thirty commissioners or officers who form the central apparatus Bolshevik, 75 % at least are Jews. "

According to the writings of General A. Nechvolodov, the French intelligence services have found that Jacob Schiff gave directly twelve million dollars to the Russian revolutionaries. The general cited as other financiers of the Bolshevik Revolution: Felix Warburg, Otto Khan, Mortimer Schiff, Jerome H. Hanauer, Max Breitung in the United States and Max Warburg, Olaf Aschburg etJivlovsky in Europe.

The ambassador of the Russian Empire in the United States, Bakhmetiev explains that after the Bolshevik victory, 600 milion rubles in gold were transferred from Russia to "Khun Loeb Bank in New York between 1918 and 1922.

The book "Der Zug piombierte" ( "The sealed train") by Michael Pearson proves that the Germans had made available (based on data from the Ministry of étirangères), until February 5, 1918, 40,580,997 German Marks propaganda for Russia and for "special purposes". In the same document, it is said that the German Treasury had released about 15 million marks for Russia the day after the takeover of Lenin.

The bloody massacre suffered by millions of Russians and enslavement of millions of men have little interest to the international bankers who had only one goal in mind: world domination. (60)

The OCHRANE (former Russian secret service)




The Bolshevik revolution was, however, not only supported by the United States and Germany. The "OCHRANE" secret service founded by the last Tsar, included several organizations that assumed all the usual functions with their secret agents, double agents, their secret police and their informers. The Ochrana was, however, a subversive and criminal association, which simplified the work of the Illuminati.

Enormous sums of money passed into the hands of international bankers - including those of Alfred Milner, who was responsible, later, the secret group of "Round Table" - to go into the service of many Ochrana members broke into the Bolshevik movement. Officials of the Ochrana infiltrated into the innermost circles of the Bolshevik Party and directed many of their activities. The infiltration was so important that in 1908, four of the five members of the Committee of the Bolshevik party in Saint Petersburg owned by the Ochrana. Heavens it did pass the money they received from international bankers that the Bolsheviks could then easily oppress the strongest of their opponents, the Mensheviks and the Socialist Party. Two agents of the Ochrana who worked for Pravda, as one publisher and another as chief financial officer, supported them in their infancy.

As they say, JOSEF STALIN was also a member of the Ochrana, it was indeed an important liaison between the Tsarist police and the Bolsheviks.

After the fall of the Tsar in 1917, the Ochrana was officially dissolved but it was redesigned until 1921 under the name of TSCHEKA in a secret service that included ten times more members than the Ochrana before. In 1920, he was given the new name of the GPU, OGPU and then in 1934 of the NKVD (People's Commission for Internal Affairs). The NKVD had under its control the Russian system of concentration camps, set up under Lenin and had its peak under Stalin. The camps were part of the Soviet economy and almost half of the exploitation of gold and chromium was based on forced labor camp occupants.

Until 1950, the concentration camps cost the lives of some four million men.

The only World War I went in the death of 10 million Russian soldiers, not to mention millions of civilians. There was, until 1950, approximately 40 million deaths from the communist system. This represents a total of as many dead as the former West Germany had to live. And these are only the officially reported figures.

The KGB was born today, ultimately, the NKVD. With its 90,000 officers and border troops a high of 175,000 men, it was in 1982, the great world of secret service and should remain so for another 10 years.

The "Gosbank, the Russian central bank, had an operation identical to that of the Federal Reserve Bank. Like this, she drew money from the "nothing" and was the dream of every capitalist finance. The Goshank controlled the Soviet financial transachons even closer than central banks do in Western countries. Indeed, all transactions between Soviet enterprises passed through the Gosbank which could thus sueveiller. (61)


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The Standard Oil (Rockefeller) bought from the Russians after the Bolshevik revolution, 50% of Caucasians huge oilfields, although they were formally nationalized.

In 1927, Standard Oil built the first refinery in Russia, then spent an agreement with the Russians to sell their oil to European markets and had to spend 75 million dollars to the Bolsheviks. (62)


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The introduction of the puppet regime under Lloyd George in London caused a shift in official policy towards Zionism. This brought big when the new Foreign Minister, Arthur Balfour, wrote the following letter, November 2, 1917 to LIONEL ROTHSCHILD:

Dear Baron Rothschild

I am pleased to submit on behalf of the Government of His Majesty's expression of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations submitted to the approval of the cabinet has approved them.

On Her Majesty's Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national Foyr for the Jewish people and will use their effects to facilitate the achievement of this goal, it being understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights non-Jewish communities in Palestine and the rights and political status that Jews might enjoy in other countries.

I would be grateful for this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Organization.

Yours sincerely

Arthur James Balfour

It is nice to know that when the letter was written, Palestine was still in Turkey. Here is a nation which promises a country that is owned by a second nation to a third nation.

A few years later, the Turks were defeated and England gained control of Egypt and Palestine, France on Lebanon and Syria.

Rothschild took an active part in this transaction: he used his influence to the United States to involve them, alongside the Allies in World War I, and this at a time when the Allies were not in a strong position relative to Germany and Turkey. (63)


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The Zionist headquarters in Berlin was moved to New York under the leadership of Justice Louis D. Brandeis.

The COLONEL Edward M. House. Bernard Baruch and others were important agents of the Rothschild bank.

Pay special attention to these names. yet they often play an important role. Baruch was the instrument of the presidential campaign of Woodrow Wilson, who was crowned with success. As to Colonel House, he was the closest adviser of President Wilson, he organized the firm after the interests of the Rothschilds and ran almost the entire State Department. It was a secret that President Wilson was under the control of Colonel House and became the perfect puppet in the hands of the Rothschilds. He gave concrete evidence offered no veto on the creation of the Federal Reserve and requiring congressional approval to go to war against Germany. (64)

Congress also gave its approval because of "pressure" of the people. It was, in fact, handled with the same propaganda techniques, with the same "social conditioning" character of the RIIA WELLINGTON HOUSE that had been applied to the English people before.

(The subject of machines to brainwash "is fully described in the various books of science Thomas E. Bearden and the book by Preston B. Nichols" The Montauk Project, particularly with the chair Moutauk which was developed through technology developed by ITT)

Colonel House also participated in this propaganda. In 1916, he used his strong influence - in agreement with the shareholders of the Federal Reserve - to convince the American people, through propaganda and support of President Wilson (Rothschild puppet), he the sacred duty of su use democracy to bring "security" in the world. Shortly after the Americans entered the war. The Illuminati did accept President Wilson by the American people in his sticky label representative of freedom. "

The First World War was for the Illuminati bankers a very good deal, Bernard Baruch, who became president of the "Committee on the war industry" saw its initial capital from 1 million to 200 million dollars. The next action of Woodrow Wilson, on the orders of Colonel House, was to impress upon Congress the necessity of forming the "League of Nations (League of Nations) which was to become later the United Nations. (65)

It was a step most of the illumination on the path that would lead them world domination.

Griffin described the First World War such as the Illuminati are as follows:

1. American foreign policy of neutrality which George Washington had championed in his farewell message, which was included in the Monroe Doctrine, this policy there was a dead letter. A precedent was thus established through a huge deception that allowed international bankers to use American military as a tool.

2. Czarist Russia, a permanent concern for many years for the financial moguls had been successfully swept the world. Forty-seven years ago, the great Enlightened Albert Pike had predicted in his famous letter to Mazzini.

3. The First World War had caused to the states involved a debt amounting astronourique. These debts were contracted with Bankers imernationaux that we have seen, had organized everything and made every scene from the beginning. The "liux which is war" have always proved the most lucrative for their managers and those who fund them. "

( "Die Absteiger", p.147)

It was evident that the peace treaties of Versailles took place as planned as the Rothschilds. On the American side were Woodrow Wilson, the puppet of Rothschild, with its advisers and agents ROTHSCHILD: Colonel House and Bernard Baruch. On the English side, more precisely towards the "Crown", there was Lloyd George, a member of the "Committee of 300" with his adviser Sir Philip Sassoon, a direct descendant of Amschel Rothschild and member of the Council of State secrecy English the "Privy Council". (66)








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P. (70)








G. G.

I. G. G. G. I. G. G. G. E. A.

G. (71)













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18. W. 0.

and other
















Author's Note:










Author's Note:






























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Karl Haushofer founded before 1919, a second order, "BROTHERS OF THE LIGHT" which became later the name of "Vril Society. In the latter found themselves as "THE MASTER OF THE BLACK STONE (DHvSS), a new foundation of the Templars, after the order Germain in 1917, and" BLACK KNIGHTS "of" BLACK SUN "elite of the Company Thule and SS.

But they still had some commonalities. Both studied Atlantis, Thule, the "Blessed are they of" Gilgamesh, the original relationship between the Germans and the Mesopotamians and the ancient sanctuaries as Stronegg with its standing stones. (83)

In December 1919, a forester's house was rented in Ramsau near Berchtesgaden, or met a few people Thule Society, Vril and DHvSS. Among them, the medium Orsitsch Maria and Sigrun. Maria had captured information in a secret Templar script - a language quite unknown to her with technical details to build a flying machine. These telepathic messages were transmitted to the writings of the Vril Society, the solar system of Aldebaran in the constellation Taurus.

I would like at this point of my story, you present a summary of the messages that were received during the years by the telepaths and the Vril Society which were the basis of actions undertaken by the latter.

The solar system Aldebaran is a 68 light years from Earth and two inhabited planets that form the kingdom of "SUMERAN" turn around its sun. The inhabitants of this solar system, would be subdivided into a nation of masters, men white-Dieu (Aryans) and several other human races. These would have developed because of climate change on remote planets and are the result of degeneration of these "God-men". These mutants have had a spiritual development below the "God-men". More races mingled over their deteriorating spiritual development. Therefore, when the sun Aldebaran began to grow, they could no longer make interplanetary travel as their ancestors, they became unable to leave their planets. Thus the lower races, totally dependent on the master race, were evacuated in spacecraft and taken to other planets habiables. Despite these differences, the implementation of respectétait between these two races, they did not encroach on living space of another. Each race respected the development of the other (contrary to what happens in the land).

The master race, the "white men-God", have begun to colonize other planets like Earth there are some 500 million years, following the expansion of the sun Aldebaran and the increasing heat, which The result, which made the planets uninhabitable. They say they have settled in our solar system first planet Mallona (also called Maldek, Marduk or Phaeton among Russians) that would have existed at the time, between Mars and Jupiter, where are asteroids today. This was, after the turn of Mars with pyramids and cities face Martian well known, photographed in 1976 by the Viking spacecraft, shows a high level of development of its inhabitants. Hence the assumption that men of God Sumeran-Aldebaran came at that time for the first time on Earth. This primitive crab was then living on Earth became extinct about 400 million years.

Members of the Vril Society believed that Aldébariens landed later, when Earth became slowly habitable in Mesopotamia and they formed the dominant caste of the Sumerians. They called these Aldébariens "white men-God". In addition, téléphates of Vril received the following information: the language of the Sumerians were not only identical to that of Aldébariens, but she also sounds like the German and the frequency of these two languages were nearly identical.

This correspond to reality? Simply put the construction plans and technical information received by the telepaths - wherever they come from - were so accurate that came the most fantastic idea ever conceived by man: the construction of machines to the 'beyond'!

The concept of 'other science' ripens in the minds (we employ in our day, the term "alternative forms of energy"). It took three years for the project is implemented. In this first phase of an "other technical" or "other science," Dr. W. O. Schumann, memnre of Thule and Vril Societies, made a presentation to the Faculty of Sciences in Munich. Here's an excerpt:

"In all areas, there are two principles that determine events: light and darkness, good and evil, creation and destruction, as the most el the least electricity. It is always: one way one way or another!

These last two principles - specifically designate them as the creative principles and destructive - also determine our technical means. (...)

The destructive principle which is the work of the devil, the creative principle of God's work. (...) A technique based on the principle of explosion or combustion can be cataloged technique satanic. The new era that will come the era of a new technique, positive and divine! (...) (From the secret archives of the SS).

At the same time, scientist Viktor Schauberger worked on a similar project. He endorsed the teaching of Johannes Kepler, who was in possession of the secret doctrine of the Pythagoreans, held back and hidden by the Templars. This concerned the about the "implosion" (in this case, this means using the potential of inner worlds in the outer world). Hitler and other members of the Thule and Vril Societies knew that the divine principle is always creative, ie d. constructive. A technology which, by cons, based on the explosion is, thus, destructive, as opposed to divine principle. We would then create a technology based on implosion. The doctrine of the oscillation of Schauberger (the principle of harmonic series = monotone) share knowledge on the implosion. Say simply: Implosion instead of EXPLOSION! Using the trajectories of the energy of monotone and art of implosion, it entered the realm of antimatter and is dissolved, and the gravity.

The first ship-shaped saucer was built in summer 1922, launching it was based on the technique of implosion (the machine to the afterlife). It included a disc diameter of 8m, stilted a parallel disk of 6.5 m in diameter and flanked below another disc diameter of 6m. These three discs have their center in an orifice diameter of 1.80m which is mounted the propeller of 2.40m high. Below, the central body ended in fome cone. In this cone was a kind of pendulum that had a stabilizing effect on the device. The lower and upper disk turned in the opposite direction to create a rotating electromagnetic field.

We do not know the performance of the first hard drive. He was tried for two years before being dismantled and stored in workshops Messerschmitt in Augsburg. We find aid funding for this project in the accounts of several industrial companies listed under the code "JFM". It is certain that the mechanism Vril is from the "machine to the au-del ~ t" but it was listed as "Schumann SM levitate.

In principle, the machine to the afterlife should generate an extremely strong field around it and in its immediate vicinity, which made the entire surrounding area, including that of the machine and the occupants, a microcosm quite independent of our cosmos. At its maximum power, this field is totally independent of all influences and forces of our universe such as gravity, electromagnetism, radiation or any topic. He could move at will in all gravitational fields without being detected or that there will feel the acceleration forces.

In June I934, Victor Schauberger was invited by Hitler and the greatest representatives of the Vril and Thule societies and worked, now in collaboration with them.

The first UFO German was born in June 1934. Under the direction of Dr. W. 0. Schumann was born the first plane circular experimental field of the aircraft factory Arado in Brandenburg: it was the RFZ-1. On his first flight was also the last, it rose vertically from a height of about 60m but then began to spin and dance in the air for several minutes. The tail Arado 196 which should guide the device proved completely ineffective. It is with great difficulty that the pilot Lothar Waiz managed to raise the ground to escape and ran away as the plane began to spin like a top before derailing and be completely torn to pieces. It was the end of RFZ-1, but the early flying machines PRIL.

The RFZ-2 was completed before the end of 1934, he had a Vril drive and a "magnetic impulse steering. Its diameter was 5m and its characteristics were: the contours of the camera faded when he picked up speed, and he lit in different colors, which is characteristic of UFOs. According to the propulsive force, it became red, orange, yellow, green, white, blue or purple.


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